The Knicks continue their In-Season Tournament (which, by the way, is the most hilarious name for a tournament ever. “What’s the NBA’s in-season tournament called?” “The NBA In-Season Tournament.” “Third base!”) journey by heading to Washington, D.C. to kick the ass of a shitty Wizards team. This would bring the Knicks’ record to 1-1 in their bracket. The best record of each bracket qualifies to advance, but so does the best record of the three brackets to not win their bracket, so let’s hope the Knicks win this one easily so that they have a shot at either winning the bracket or winning the Wild Card (you could argue that the best case scenario is going 3-1 but missing out on the tournament advancement, so that they could then beat up on the losers some more, like play Washington another time instead of having to play a good team in the elimination tournament).