NFL fans have recently celebrated their holiday, with the NFL draft running its seven rounds in Cleveland over the weekend. Now, it’s Star Wars‘ fans turn.
Supporters of a galaxy far, far away have supported “May the Fourth,” a play-on words of the sci-fi franchise’s famous quote, “May The Force Be With You.” The festivities continue on Wednesday through the “Revenge of the Fifth,” referencing the sixth film (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) released in the episodic film saga that began in 1977.
Jets X-Factor seeks to create a rare union between, say, the New York Jets and Geonosis as we compare members of the team to elements of the nine episodes …
The Phantom Menace: The Revamped Run Game
One of the most exhilarating sequences of Episode I features young Anakin Skywalker beginning his path toward his destiny through a high-speed podracing endeavor.