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Islanders News: John Tavares, Belmont and other fantasies

Related Topics: Mike Bossy

In the matter of The People vs. a Peaceful John Tavares Contract Extension, Mike Bossy said a thing, everyone lost their [Avery] about it, then Arthur Staple dispelled it.

Just your usual Tuesday, is all.

A Montreal “report” said Tavares turned down an offer of eight years, $84 million. The “source” happened to be Mike Bossy. Given the resulting firestorm (which I will no doubt hear about in inquiries at pickup hockey, where poorly sourced national news comes out in the mouths of the innocent), Arthur Staple of Newsday said that’s not what he heard, not at all, and as pretty much everyone has figured throughout the entire Tavares Contract Speculation, it’s not at all about the money, but rather about the future.