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Islanders News: Belmont or bust

Related Topics: Cal Clutterbuck

The Islanders are in Anaheim tonight for a late one. Cal Clutterbuck is on the trip, but that could be for a return elsewhere in California.

  • Islanders owner John Ledecky lunched with reporters and said lots of things. Among them: Totally focused on Belmont, will play next season at Barclays (we knew that though because lease), won’t be back at Coliseum, showed plans for Belmont (and to Tavares), which isn’t a real estate play. Hope they win that RFP. [LHH | Newsday | Times | Post]
  • Money quote: “we think we're the best and we want to send that message to the community, to the media, to our fans, to our constituents through all the different areas, the players, that we're singularly focused on this and we've spent the resources.