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Islanders News: 10 games in, time for rest...and reading.

Not a lot of Islanders-specific reading as the Isles took a rest day after returning from their three-in-four tour of Montreal and the upper Midwest.

So I’ll pose an off-topic question: Do you have reading material you depend on to help you fall asleep? A journal, magazine, book or just doom-scrolling headlines on your blinding phone?

For me, the dependable sleep-inducing book on my bedside table is “Orality and Literacy,” by Walter J. Ong, originally published in 1982. It’s dry as dirt, something assigned in undergrad or grad classes and debated in academic circles...BUT: within the minutia of some very academic topics is a thread of fascinating theories on the differences between oral and literate cultures, and the storytelling and — this is the fun part — the social effects that writing, print and electronic technology have on how we act and commune as humans.