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Eli, Peyton Manning to compete in FanDuel’s Kick of Destiny 3

Related Topics: Peyton Manning, Eli Manning

Eli and Peyton Manning compete at almost everything. So, why not in FanDuel’s Kick of Destiny 3?

Kick of Destiny, explained

Kick of Destiny is a head-to-head kicking competition between the two brothers that will be broadcast live on Fox during the Super Bowl pregame show on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. ET.

Each of the two will attempt a 25-yard field goal. If the first contestant makes the kick, the second will have a chance to tie; likewise, if he misses, the second is kicking for the victory. If no winner is decided after three rounds, the Manning who came closest to the center target in the last round will win on a tiebreaker.