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Best of #NYCFC: 3 For 3 in the Bronx

Following a win over Red Bulls on Sunday, NYCFC kept the wins at home coming as they went 3 for 3 in the Bronx. Seems like these pretty pineapples enjoyed the week…

Beautiful scenes on the field, beautiful scenes off it...

Congratulations to @broadwayblue43 & Lauren on their engagement! ud83dudc8d #ForTheCity — New York City FC (@NYCFC) July 12, 2018

A post shared by Andy Bajaña (@theneckofthrogs) on Jul 14, 2018 at 6:52pm PDT

The #WorldCup final was cool and all, and I’m gonna let them finish, but let’s talk about how #NYCFC had it’s greatest week in #MLS history so far ud83dude4cud83cudffbud83dude4cud83cudffb #ItsDeadassComingHome pic.