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Buddy Diliberto, New Orleans' patron Saint: 1 of 300

The Times-Picayune is marking the tricentennial of New Orleans with its ongoing 300 for 300 project, running through 2018 and highlighting 300 people who have made New Orleans New Orleans, featuring original artwork commissioned by | The Times-Picayune with Where Y'Art gallery. Today: Buddy Diliberto.

The icon: Bernard "Buddy" Diliberto

The legacy: Reflecting on the night in 1980 that Buddy D protested the Saints' ineptitude by delivering his entire sportscast with a bag over his head, The Times-Picayune wrote: "It was quintessential Diliberto, a former sportswriter who became a television legend on WVUE and WDSU in the '60s, '70s and '80s in spite of his cosmetic shortcomings and catastrophic vocals - or maybe because of them.