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Benson ruled competent to run businesses

Like other octogenarians, Saints and Pelicans owner Tom Benson is not as sharp as he used to be.

He suffers from short-term memory loss, and while recovering from a recent knee surgery, he required pain killers so strong that they had him feeling foggy for a bit.

Yet, contrary to his relatives’ claims, Benson was in full control when he decided to cut his daughter and grandchildren out of his businesses and his life, an Orleans Parish Civil District Court judge ruled Thursday.

“Thomas Milton Benson Jr. is able to make reasoned decisions as to his person and his property,” Judge Kern Reese said in a four-page document explaining why he wouldn’t declare the 87-year-old billionaire mentally incompetent, as daughter Renee Benson and her children, Ryan and Rita LeBlanc, requested.