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The Top 20 Patriots Moments of 2017: Number 7

Honest question: is anything at all getting done next week?

The 4th of July falls on a Wednesday this year, which means one of four things:

  1. You’re taking Monday and Tuesday off as well.
  2. You’re taking Thursday and Friday off as well.
  3. You’re taking the whole week off.
  4. You have a soulless maniac for a boss and only get Wednesday off and you can’t do anything or go anywhere because somewhere along the line you made some very bad life choices.

As for me, I fall staunchly into Group #2, which of course reserves today, Monday, and Tuesday of next week for “wrapping things up” or “clearing my desk” or any other stupid corporate term you want to use in order to rationalize doing absolutely nothing as you count down the minutes to Liberty O’Clock.