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Bill Plaschke: 20 reasons why Patriots-Falcons Super Bowl is a classic Good vs. Evil matchup

HOUSTON — It’s cheating Brady against wide-eyed Matty.

It’s an owner who stalks against one who dances.

It’s a coach wearing a hoodie against one who dresses in Navy SEAL mottos.

The Super Bowl pitting the New England Patriots against the Atlanta Falcons features competing auras as clear as the rumple in Bill Belichick’s sweatshirt or the curl of Tom Brady’s upper lip.

According to Public Policy Polling, the Patriots are the most disliked team in pro football for a second consecutive season. By comparison, the relatively blah Falcons are beloved.

Even with this week’s revelations about the Falcons’ past concerns over their players’ use of pain medication, this truly feels like a Super Bowl of not just David vs.