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Twitter Recap: An Ode to Faux Pelini

Related Topics: Twitter, Ode, Faux

Since this is the 100th Twitter Recap, it wouldn’t be complete without an ode to our favorite parody account Faux Pelini (composed by our Corn Nation poet Jill aka ranchbabe) along with some of his best tweets from 2015.


It started funny enough

But without much fanfare

And then the real Bo

One small tweet did share

Custody of a fuzzy cat

Seemed a strange argument

For a football coach

And fake twitter account

But a funny thing happened

That night of playoff football

A legend was born

In social media folds

Tweeting presidents, popes

Also punters, and bowls

Helping us find cheer

Through a bad chapter

Even unemployment

Could not dull the laughter

We enjoy the intelligent jabs

And the poignant self looks

A fan base that takes

Itself very seriously

Hip hop hogwash

And "sit down please!