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Of Bangarang’s & Daggers Episode 32: Dear Bill Moos Wish List

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Vault
Not a Husker was stirring, not even lil Red
The jerseys were hung in their lockers with care
In hopes that Coach Hoiberg would soon be there
The Three Man Weave were nestled snug in their Husker jerseys
While visions of an NCAA tournament win danced in their heads
And us writers with our microphones
And Greg with his computer
Had just settled down to bring you this special Christmas Day podcast!

The Three Man Weave is back with this special-edition Christmas Day podcast for you all. Kevin, Nate, and Patrick joined together to bring you our “Dear Bill Moos” top-five Christmas wish-lists for Husker Athletics, and really what evolves to a statewide “Dear Santa” list to a degree.