Related Topics: Purdue University, Nebraska, Phil Collins, Scott Frost, In the Air Tonight, Nebraska Cornhuskers
With the background of Phil Collins “In the Air Tonight” over the #Huskers loudspeakers, Sideline Man Jeremiah notes that the guys all looked refreshed and have a “bounce in their step”. Also he notes all players look good!!
Not playing today, or maybe soon, but good to see Javin Wright with a hop in his step down there.Ethan Piper still sidelined.Keep in mind Chase Contreraz as possible #Huskers place-kicking option today.— Brian Christopherson (@Husker247BC) October 30, 2021 Mood CheckFirst QuarterNebraska won the toss and deferred.
Not playing today, or maybe soon, but good to see Javin Wright with a hop in his step down there.Ethan Piper still sidelined.Keep in mind Chase Contreraz as possible #Huskers place-kicking option today.— Brian Christopherson (@Husker247BC) October 30, 2021
Mood Check
Nebraska won the toss and deferred.