A truly chaotic week in college football yields intense discussion of the following between Spencer, Ryan, and Jason:
- We start by telling you there will only be one installment of the Fullcast this week! This is a lie, we decided after the show to make another for preview purposes. PLAYFAKES EVERYWHERE IN THIS OFFENSE.
- Why Ohio State looked so, so bad in their loss to Michigan State (answer: we don't know either, it's not an answer but it's honest)
- How Iowa State has higher standards than Texas? Sure.
- The most nightmarish edition of Satan's Coaching Dominoes we have played yet in the year 2015
- Why future Trump voters were beating the hides off each other in the stands in Fayetteville over Mississippi State/Arkansas
- A brief examination of the insanity and faint threads of logic behind a possible ouster of Les Miles at LSU that only involves a few mentions of money laundering
- The last line of this episode is: "DINOSAURS ATE ROCKS, AND THEY WERE FUCKIN' AWESOME.