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Roman Reigns the Football Player: From Branding His Own Bicep to All-ACC Lineman

Take a closer look at his right arm. Look past the facade that WWE fans love to hate, past the sleeve of Polynesian tattoos. Focus closely on his right bicep. Do you see it? It's an L, branded into the skin of Roman Reigns, an initial for his given name, Leati.

Handy #RomansTheBest

That beautiful arm will destroy many!! #AhahahYeesssir ud83dudcaaud83dude01 that face ud83dude1a #RomanReigns #USChamp #TopGuy

November 13, 2016 at 8:53:54 PM GMT

That mark of seared skin is what coach Greg Seibert first remembers about the high schooler he knows as Joe Anoa'i, full name Leati Joseph Anoau02bbi, a three-year defensive tackle under him at Pensacola Catholic High School.