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John Calipari looks to bring fun back to Arkansas, find some for himself

Related Topics: John Calipari, Arkansas

Arkansans crave relevancy. They always have. That desire is woven into their DNA, a hunger well earned.

A state so beautiful border to border, and yet too many Americans likely can't point to it on a map. A state with so much to offer, and yet so many in the Deep South can't quite bring themselves to believe that Arkansas is one of theirs, while the cowboys of the Southwest can't quite accept it as one of their territories, either. Few areas are anchored by more money (see: the Waltons, aka the Walmart folks, live there), few campuses are prettier than the one in Fayetteville, and even fewer fan bases are more rabidly loyal (see: the birthright that is the sneakily difficult correct execution of the "Woo Pig Sooie" hog call).