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Stan Van Gundy rants against Donald Trump, says he's 'ashamed' of U.S. for first time

Detroit Pistons head coach Stan Van Gundy did not hold back while criticizing president elect Donald Trump just one day after the Republican nominee won the 2016 Presidential Election, according to multiple reports.

“I didn’t vote for (George W.) Bush, but he was a good, honorable man with whom I had political differences, so I didn’t vote for him,” Van Gundy said. “But for our country to be where we are now, who took a guy who -- I don’t care what anyone says, I’m sure they have other reasons and maybe good reasons for voting for Donald Trump -- but I don’t think anybody can deny this guy is openly and brazenly racist and misogynistic and ethnic-centric, and say, ‘That’s OK with us, we’re going to vote for him anyway.