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Clinton staffers on Times report about Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia: We told you!

Hillary Clinton’s former campaign staffers are are speaking out in the wake of the New York Times’ explosive report that members of President Trump’s campaign staff were in regular contact with Russian officials during the year leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

“Everything we suspected during this campaign is proving true,” former Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon tweeted. “This is a colossal scandal.”

The NYT story directly contradicts Trump and his staff who repeatedly said no contact occured between his campaign and Russian officials.

— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) February 15, 2017

Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign manager, said he’d like the FBI to explain why it issued a letter to members of Congress about its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state but apparently did not do the same after reportedly interviewing retired Lt.