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Tito Ortiz, Rampage Jackson and Juanito Ibarra settle legal disputes

Former UFC light heavyweight champions Quinton Jackson and Tito Ortiz have settled their long-standing legal dispute with former Jackson trainer Juanito Ibarra, according to a press release issued Thursday. In 2009, Ibarra filed suit in Los Angeles, California against both Jackson and Ortiz for various public statements alleging Ibarra had stolen from Jackson and otherwise used Jackson for personal aggrandizement in the course of his role as Jackson's manager.

"In 2008, I gave an interview to Punch Drunk Gamer entitled 'Wherever I may roam.....I want the Title.' In that interview, I made several statements including the allegation that Juanito Ibarra was a thief who had mismanaged the finances and stolen from and taken advantage of Quinton "Rampage" Jackson," Ortiz said in the release.