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The MMA Vivisection - UFC Fight Night: Edgar vs. Faber picks, odds, & analysis

Kid Nate hosts Zane Simon and Connor Ruebusch to talk UFC Fight Night Manila and break down all the fights on the card with their personal picks and insights.

Alright, no lies folks, UFC Fight Night: Edgar vs. Faber is a weak card. There are a few bright spots. Hyun Gyu Lim vs. Neil Magny is surefire entertainment, as is Gegard Mousasi vs. Costas Philippou and Frankie Edgar vs. Urijah Faber... In fact, if this were just a case of the main card, by itself, the card wouldn't be half bad, but the undercard is just a lot of uninteresting regional filler that it's hard to work up a lot of enthusiasm for, and this is from someone who works up a lot more enthusiasm than anyone has a right to.