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Ronda Rousey to reprise Patrick Swayze’s role in ‘Road House’

Ronda Rousey will continue her bid at becoming a major player in Hollywood by reportedly reprising the role originally played by Patrick Swayze in the 1989 flick “Road House.”

Brand Slater, Rousey’s agent, told MMA Fighting that the project is in its earliest stages, with a screenplay still needing to be written. Slater added that Rousey reached out to Swayze’s widow — the actor died in 2009 after a public battle with pancreatic cancer — to get permission to take on the role of Dalton, the hard-hitting bouncer who maintained order in a rough-and-tumble bar, the Double Deuce, courtesy of some serious brawling skills that included ripping the throat out of baddies who stood in his way of keeping the peace.