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Ronda Rousey No. 1 'Most-Searched Athlete' on Yahoo! in 2015, Barbara Walters lists her among '10 Most Fascinating People'

Casual folks -- not just "hardcore" mixed martial arts (MMA) fans -- around the globe love to search the Interwebs for the latest "Ronda Rousey"-related news. This cold, hard fact is terribly lost on the clever folks who have suggested ad nauseam that we rebrand our website to, ""

As if!

To illustrate her powerful traffic allure, Rousey topped Yahoo! in 2015 as the "Most Searched Athlete," beating out male mega-stars such as Tiger Woods, Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. She was first among seven women featured on the list, which looks like this:

— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) December 2, 2015

In the spirit of disclosure, MMAmania.