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NSFW: Joe Soto Singlehandedly Turns UFC Fight Night 106 into a Bloodbath

Related Topics: Joe Soto, Zuffa

Buda Mendes/Zuffa LLC/Getty Images

Anyone that tuned in for UFC Fight Night 106 saw a very, very messy mat by the end of the night. That's not necessarily unusual for an MMA event, of course, but what made tonight's well-painted canvas noteworthy was the fact that all the red came from just one man; Joe Soto.

Note how clean the canvas was at the start of the fight.Buda Mendes/Zuffa LLC/Getty Images

A clash of heads split Soto wide open in the first round and, despite the doctors' best efforts, that wound just wouldn't stay sealed:

Soto would continue to fight on, however, and the result was a crimson mask that became a crimson tuxedo:

Both men were wearing it as the bout wore on.