Literary gunslinger Eugene S. Robinson lends his "one"-of-a-"kind" "perspective" to the continued rippling aftermath of having called bullshit on UFC 189, the MIR-DUFFEE to do, the LEITES-BISPING to-don't, the FEDOR hit, the COUTURE miss, no explanation at all for why he was dressed like TOM WOLFE and why McGREGOR-ALDO is as exhausted as a 93-year-old whore. And just as sexy.
In Round #356 EUGENE S. ROBINSON [with the "S" standing for "Satisfied"], notorious KNUCKLE UP host fuckles up the heaving echoes of #357's sturm, drang, and lip-trembling terror at the reality of reality, this week's double barrel of BISPING and MIR, the semi-sorta-surprising return of the Russian, and why McGREGOR and ALDO is played but STILL the only game in town.