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‘It did not help’ - Dillashaw downplays EPO use, but ‘expert’ Sonnen reveals benefits of ‘favorite’ PED

This weekend, T.J. Dillashaw is returning from a two-year suspension after failing a USADA drug test for EPO. The former UFC bantamweight champion has admitted using the banned substance, but downplayed any benefits from taking EPO.

“I would let every one of my opponents take what I was taking. I couldn’t care less because it did not help me,” Dillashaw said on the UFC Vegas 32 media day (transcript via Middle Easy).

“I actually feel ten times better now, than I did going into that fight. I had to lie to myself and tell myself how great I felt going into it, because you’re a mentally tough, best in the world, pound-for-pound fighter, but to be honest I couldn’t care less if any of those guys are taking what I was doing.