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Gian Villante granted TUE by USADA after failing drug test from inhaler

After being granted a retroactive therapeutic use exemption (TUE), Gian Villante is no longer facing an anti-doping policy violation and has been cleared to compete in the cage.

The UFC light heavyweight failed an out-of-competition drug test administered by USADA, the UFC’s anti-doping partner, on Jan. 18, USADA announced Friday. He tested positive for vilanterol, an active ingredient of the Breo Ellipta inhaler he declared use of during the sample collection. Villante was using the inhaler to treat asthma.

Villante was told by USADA that the substance, which is listed under the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code as a Beta-2 Agonist, would be prohibited unless he applied for a TUE.