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Gagard Mousasi Challenges Vitor Belfort To ‘Clean Fight’ In Japan

Vitor Belfort might only be four days removed from a TKO defeat to UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman, but that didn’t stop Gegard Mouasi (pictured) from calling out the veteran for a showdown in Japan.

However, Mousasi threw out a stipulation that most would consider to be a given, but you never know with Belfort.

“@vitorbelfort & I both have a following in Japan. As long as we have a clean fight, I’m in! Time is now! @danawhite,” Mousasi tweeted Wednesday morning.

Clean? What could Mousasi possibly be talking about?

Despite supposedly kicking testosterone replacement therapy when it was banned by the UFC in February 2014, Weidman accused Belfort of wrongdoing leading up to Saturday’s fight because Belfort still registered far more testosterone in his system than Weidman, despite being Weidman’s senior of nearly a decade, during their random, pre-fight drug tests.