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Following his son Danny’s split decision loss to Keith Thurman, trainer Angel Garcia let loose with a profane rant for the ages.

Controversial trainer Angel Garcia was in brief danger of not being able to corner his son Danny for his fight against Keith Thurman on Saturday night. In the January press conference to formally announce their big matchup, Angel acted completely out of order (as he’s known to do), most notably calling Thurman the “N” word multiple times over before an attempted face-to-face confrontation (Warning: Explicit language in the video). He also made disparaging remarks about immigrants, as well as threatened boxing publicist Kelly Swanson by screaming at her, “I’ll jack you up!” A couple of weeks later, Angel maintained that he’s not racist, noting that “a motherf-cker from the hood ain't racist,” and that he once “f-cked me a couple black girls.