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Floyd Mayweather: I wish Ronda Rousey nothing but the best

In a recent media scrum, Floyd Mayweather sent his well wishes to Ronda Rousey, but still maintains he didn't know who she was a year ago.

Lately, Ronda Rousey's name has been getting major lip service from just about everyone, and not only within our relatively small MMA bubble. At the top of the list this week, is boxing superstar, Floyd Mayweather. Mayweather, who once claimed he had no idea who Rousey was, and still maintains that at the time he was asked, he really didn't know, is singing a different tune, now.

These days, he definitely knows who she is, especially since she beat him out of an ESPY award for fighter of the year, and then went on to give him a good dressing down regarding his long history of domestic violence issues in her post-award interview.