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Conor McGregor set to law $6 million payout from antitrust lawsuit ahead of UFC 303 fighting return

UFC superstar Conor McGregor will be getting a hefty payout from the anti-trust lawsuit.

The UFC settled the lawsuit out of court for $335 million, but the lawyers who worked on behalf of fighters in this case since 2014 are asking for $120 million, which leaves $215 million to go to the fighters. Out of the $215 million, 75% of it will go to fighters who competed between 2010 to 2017, with the other 25% going to fighters who signed a contract after 2017.

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Conor McGregor set to law $6 million payout from antitrust lawsuit ahead of UFC 303 fighting return 2

The minimum settlement amount any qualifying fighter will earn is $8000, according to reports.