Newcomer Discusses Short-Notice Assignment Opposite Bogdan Guskov At UFC 311
By E. Spencer Kyte (Photo courtesy of officialelekana/instagram) • Jan. 14, 2025
Originally a war cry, the fa’auma is now more commonly used as a way of expressing excitement or happiness, and on that particular evening last week, it was an acknowledgement to and from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and the WWE Universe that each was happy to see the other and excited to see how the first Monday Night Raw on Netflix would soon unfold.
Order UFC 311: Makhachev vs Tsarkukyan 2
“I didn’t even think of that,” Billy Elekana said when asked about potentially hearing another chorus of “chee hoo” in the brand-new building this weekend as he makes his UFC debut opposite Bogdan Guskov and informed that “The Rock” had belted out a couple there the previous week.