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Bellator 162 weigh results, video stream: Live online updates for 'Shlemenko vs Grove'

The place is here, FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn., and the time is now, 6 p.m. ET. That means it's time for the fighters scheduled to compete at Bellator 162: "Shlemenko vs. Grove" tomorrow night (Friday, Oct. 21, 2016) to soon step to the scale for the official weigh-in event. As per our usual at, we'll deliver real-time weigh-in results as each of the fighters on tomorrow's card, which is headlined by Alexander Shlemenko vs. Kendall Grove at Middleweight.

Other featured Spike TV-televised fights tomorrow night include a Heavyweight brawl between Bobby Lashley and Josh Appelt, as well as the return of Middleweight striking sensation Hisaki Kato on Spike TV.