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Starting Strasburg is fine -- but if the Nats don't hit, they're done

Related Topics: Chris Sale, Nat, Stephen Strasburg

CHICAGO -- Regardless of how we got here, starting Stephen Strasburg is the right move for the Washington Nationals. If you want, go ahead and skewer the Nats organization for how they botched the messaging. Scratch your head over how Tuesday’s Game 4 was rained out and manager Dusty Baker announced that scheduled starter Tanner Roark – the team’s No. 4 guy – would still pitch in the makeup on Wednesday because Strasburg, who in theory could’ve worked on normal four days’ rest – was under the weather. Shake your head in empathy for Roark, the Illinois native who went to sleep on Tuesday (if he actually slept) thinking he was starting the biggest game of his life in the stadium he grew up worshipping, then reported for duty on Wednesday only to find out that he’d been Strasburged.