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John Smoltz Says Astros' Starting Trio 'Way Better' Than Braves' Big Three

The Astros won the trade deadline earlier this week by acquiring Zack Greinke, and the move earned the team high praise from Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz.

According to's Brian McTaggart, Astros owner Jim Crane said Smoltz called him called him on Friday to "gush" about Houston's starting rotation.

"Smoltz said, 'Man, you really did a great job of putting that together.' I said, 'Yeah, it looks like Smoltz, Glavine and Maddux.' He said, 'No, no, you guys are way better than we ever were.'"

Astros owner Jim Crane said John Smoltz called him today to gush about his rotation: "Smoltz said 'Man, you really did a great job of putting that together.