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MV3: Defenders and the RB1 shine in Cotton Bowl victory

Related Topics: Cotton Bowl

Welcome to the MV3, a weekly piece where Rock M Nation’s staff votes on the three most impactful players in Mizzou’s previous game.

Nearly every time Mizzou is able to #LightTheDome, I end up writing this post and wondering how three or four guys didn’t get votes or end up making our staff’s top three. But Mizzou’s 14-3 win over Ohio State at the Cotton Bowl brought a whole new level of indecision to my head. How do we acknowledge the 6 or 7 defenders that had career games against a Ryan Day offense? And how do we incorporate the grit of Brady Cook or the continued brilliance of Cody Schrader or the steadiness of Javon Foster or Armand Membou?