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Mo’s Musings: Are These the Combined Salad Days of Football and Men’s Hoops?

Are we living in the salad days of Mizzou sports?

When it comes to the combined success of football and men’s basketball, there’s a legit argument to be made that we just may be, indeed.

Don’t mistake me here, I’m not arguing that either this year’s football team or hoops teams are the best ever produced at Mizzou. I’m just asking the question - for the same school year, has there been a better combined season?

Of course you can’t answer the question until the basketball season wraps. But in going through the record books, dating back to 1970 (the 1970-71 school year), there’s only been TWO TIMES when a Mizzou football and men’s basketball team both ended their season ranked in the final Associated Press Top-25 ranking in the same school year!