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2023-24 Rock M’mys: THE WINNERS

Related Topics: Larissa Anderson

Well, folks, we’ve made it. It’s the end of awards season at Rock M Nation, and we’re ready to celebrate the digital winners of our second annual Rock M’my awards (pronounced like Emmy). I hope you enjoyed reading through the nominations, as there was a lot to celebrate and relive from the 2023-24 school year. New faces on the playing field and leading the teams, postseason highs, incredible individual and team performances, perfect scores, improbable kicks... There were a lot of memorable things going on in CoMo, and we wanted to remind you of all of it.

I’m honestly just super proud of how the whole thing came together, and I am thankful for our diverse group of writers/nominators for thinking outside the box and doing a damn good job making sure as many teams as possible were represented.