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Bret Bielema, a year in photos

Related Topics: Bret Bielema, Arkansas, Ben McAdoo

It’s Ole Miss-Arkansas week, so it’s time to check in with the SEC West’s Large Adult Son, Bret Bielema, and his Large Adult Sartorial Preferences.

Football coaches’ attire proclivities are of course spectacular pieces of American couture in their own right, with the New York Giants’ Ben McAdoo representing the zenith of the form. It’s impossible to know whether McAdoo’s flowy windbreaker-cum-mainsail wardrobe was informed by, say, Lane Kiffin’s, or the other way around, but certainly BERT’s open-faced approached to sideline garb nestles snugly within the McAdoo style guide.

When Bielema’s not interested in upper-body coverage, the results can be stunning and wonderful, as we know all too well.