We start by running a 5k in under thirty minutes. Then, we have to do at least 3 chin-ups and then hold a 2-minute plank. After that, we must complete 40 sit-ups in 60 seconds, 30 push-ups in 50 seconds, and hold a 2-minute wall sit. Our 50yd bear crawl has been updated this year, and has to be completed in 20 seconds instead of 30. Then we run the 100yd dash in under 16 seconds, and 120yds of killers (10, 20, 30 and back) in under 26 seconds. And the new test this year is kick-butt-kicks. For this, we line up in 4 kick lines, and while the front row is doing the kick set, the back 3 rows are running and kicking their butts.
Throwback Thursday: MVC Power Team Round 2