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Soucheray: Legend of the North, squandered. This is Vikings' last shot

Related Topics: Metropolitan Stadium, Vikings, Legend

After 32 years of indoor football, followed by two seasons outdoors in anticipation of returning to the interior, the legend of the Minnesota Vikings is kaput. There is no more legend.

They are now no more distinct than any of the other 32 teams in the league, which is a shame, but there is nothing else to be said when fans arriving for Sunday's playoff game are advised to bring a square of cardboard to place under the feet to ward off the ground chill.

Yes, bring your pieces of cardboard and be comforted by the fact that Mariucci Arena will be open as a warming house and that one of the coffee chains will be administering hot liquids, and the Vikings themselves, who probably got a deal buying bulk, will be passing out hand warmers.