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Fred Smoot Says ‘Teddy Touchdown Is the Truth’

Teddy Bridgewater has made a believer out of Fred Smoot.

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In a Reddit AMA on Monday, Smoot was asked if he thought the Vikings could make a surprise playoff run this year. The former Vikings cornerback said he indeed believes that the Vikings will be in the mix when all is said and done.


A fan then remarked that he prefers the “Teddy Throwsevelt” nickname to “Teddy Touchdown” and Smoot admitted that is a solid nickname.

Screenshot from 2015-06-29 23:02:52
Screenshot from 2015-06-29 23:02:52

Smoot was also asked if he ever played with any gay players in the NFL, which led to the following exchange:


A selection of other fascinating Fred Smoot AMA responses:

Q: Did you ever consider adding an “H” to the end of your last name?