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Results: E Pluribus Choose-Em Round 13

Thirteen rounds of E Pluribus Choose-Em are in the books! We were lucky to welcome Kyle Carr to the competition, and see robblerouser maintain a lead atop the standings.

Here's the table:

Player Total Score
Player Total Score
robblerouser 96
Timber Dome 94
FreeFlyingLooner 93
FootballorFutbol? 88
thegreatgatz 88
Chicorychick 85
Long tuba 84
KCMasterpiece1432 83
noobFC 79
mark2309 78
markgoody 77
MNWildcat 76
CMParkhurst 70
Wiscoloon 67
MattyH17 61
Nebraska_Loon 57
YellowAndRed4ever 51
vrnbch 43
throwingrocksathouses920 42
KLP 41
Aaron Tinklenberg 34
indianassasin 32
PaleVermilion 27
Nate Reichle 27
T_Durka 25
colinmc82 24
BlackBeardMN 22
Patrick Westerlund 17
Southernmostloonsfan 17
TrueTeacher 14
Kyle Carr 12
wellActuarially 10