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E Pluribus Choose-Em Round 1 Results/Round 2

The first round of E Pluribus Choose-Em's second half is in the books! ChicoryChick has taken a one-point lead at the top, but all participants are within four points of the leader. Here are the standings:

Player Total Score
Player Total Score
Chicorychick 13
FootballorFutbol? 12
Nebraska_Loon 11
robblerouser 11
MNWildcat 11
CMParkhurst 10
Kyle Carr 10
YellowAndRed4ever 10
Timber Dome 10
Wiscoloon 10
noobFC 10
mark2309 10
markgoody 9
MattyH17 9

There is also a midweek game for the Loons this week, when Portland comes to town.