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Full Recap: Gophers Matt Limegrover interview: Talks Leidner, Jeff Jones, Recruiting and More

Gophers offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover was on KFAN yesterday. Here is a recap. This isn't verbatim, but its close:

Matt Limegrover on recent hiking trip and how his health has improved…We were out on a family trip and we did a massive 13 day trip, headed out West, headed to Yellowstone, people were talking about Inspiration Point. It was a pretty significant hike to get there, had to go vertically, and in the back of mind I knew this would be a challenge and I thought there was no way I could do this three years ago when I weighed 415 lbs and now at 255 what a difference it makes to be able to do that and take some pictures with my Son, and the smile on his face and taking pictures with him was priceless.