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The Milwaukee Bucks drew terrible pictures of each other for media day

Related Topics: Milwaukee Bucks, Drawing, Fun, Paper, Genius

Sep 30, 2015 at 4:17p ET

Sep 30, 2015 at 4:17p ET

When the Bucks weren't taking questions at media day, they were drawing hilariously awful photos.

The Milwaukee Bucks are a fun, up and coming team in the NBA. They look great on paper...but just not when they're drawing each other on it.

During media day, members of the Bucks drew one of their teammates with pen and paper. Some were obviously better than others, but each has their own individual charm. posted the hilarious results, and Dime recently revealed the artists behind the amazing drawings:

"On media day earlier this week, they had some great fun with some blank paper, crayons, and markers.