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Ranking The Roster: MarJon Beauchamp Builds Continued Affinity With Pine at 14th

Related Topics: MarJon Beauchamp

Oh MarJon.

MarJon, MarJon, MarJon.

What are we going to do with you?

I took on the role of writing MarJon’s RTR piece because I wanted the challenge of evaluating our favorite third-year goofball NBA player. Never lacking for confidence on his Instagram page, the image he projects out to the world often struggles to match the young guy we see on the court — if we see him on the court at all, that is.

Year two for Beauchamp was one of relative stasis and therefore ultimately a decided step backwards. His raw counting stats dropped alongside a dip in appearances and minutes (52 games played with 11 as a starter when he was a rookie down to 48 games played and a single emergency start in his second season).