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Milwaukee Bucks Daily: Giannis Antetokounmpo talks superstar maturation

In today’s edition of Milwaukee Bucks Daily, Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo talks about his growth as a superstar, we get an update on where Giannis ranks in the second fan return for this year’s All-Star voting and much more.

As Antetokounmpo’s star keeps on ascending to new heights, his rags to riches-like journey will forever be the entry point for how his story will be told, especially as he keeps on rising to the forefront of the league.

But as he touched on, the idea of becoming a superstar, much less being the face of a franchise like the Bucks, was one that Antetokounmpo had to warm up to as he put in the work to become the player who he is today.