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Is Orlando Arcia running out of time in Milwaukee?

As the Milwaukee Brewers have tried to piece together a young core that could lead to a multi-year window of playoff contention, very few people paid much attention to shortstop.

While Orlando Arcia has had plenty of problems with the bat during his major league career, he was young -- still only 24 years old this season -- cheap, and good defensively. It was a safe assumption that we could just pencil Arcia into the team’s long-term plans.

Despite improved offensive production this year, that may be changing.

Tyler Saladino has started at shortstop in both games since getting called up, and on Saturday, Craig Counsell expressed some frustration with his young shortstop and made it clear that it was a position he and the front office thought needed to improve if the team was going to break out of its stretch of poor play.