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Brewers Reacts Survey Results: Picking a fifth starter to begin the season

Harrison Freuck is the managing editor of Brew Crew Ball, where he's covered the Brewers since 2022. He was previously the sports editor and editor in chief of The Badger Herald, where he covered Wisconsin Badgers athletics.

Welcome to SB Nation Reacts, a survey of fans across the MLB. Throughout the year we ask questions of the most plugged-in Milwaukee Brewers fans and fans across the country. Sign up here to participate in the weekly emailed surveys.

In this week’s SB Nation Reacts survey, we asked fans who they’d like to see the Brewers use as a fifth starter to begin the season in the wake of so many pitching injuries (see: Tobias Myers, Aaron Ashby, DL Hall, Robert Gasser, a recovering Brandon Woodruff, and a not-yet-built-up Jose Quintana).